

Question : Are we designed to eat flesh meats? Can our bodies fully utilize it?
Answer    : The evidence presented below plainly indicates that though  we adapt, we are not…


Contrasting The Characteristics of Humans & Animals

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Plant Eating Humans & Animals


Meat Eating Animals

Teeth –  Flat for grinding. Teeth – Designed to tear apart raw meat of other animals
Hands – Designed for gathering and picking. Claws – Sharp for ripping flesh and catching prey
Intestines – 24 – 26 feet long: allows time needed for digesting nutrients found in plants. Intestines – very short, up to 8 feet long: allows fast digestion of flesh before it putrefies (rots) in the body.
Saliva – Contains alpha-amylyase: the sole purpose is to digest complex carbohydrates found in plants. Saliva – Contains no alpha- amylase
Hydrochloric Acid –  For digesting protein. Hydrochloric Acid – 10 times the amount as herbavores, needed for digesting more dense meat digestion.



Author: Curt de Gourville, Lifestyle Counselor


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