Your Four Steps To Wellness Begins NOW!!!

neoteric-feeling-aloneNeoteric Natural Health Consultants takes the guessing out of your search for answers to your health goals and concerns with reliable scientific nutritional assessment methods. We gather a 360 degree view of your current status, providing you with sound recommendations and working with you for a period of up to 6 weeks to improve your chances of success.


Step 1: Online Assessment

NutriBody PicThis is the first step where you  complete our nutritional assessment questionnaire with a full set of symptoms you experience over time so that a profile can be developed of your nutritional deficiencies and areas of excess.
A full 12 page report is sent back to you with a graphical representation showing your areas of strengths and needs. It also highlights some significant conditions that may be undermining your efforts to achieve your goals or manage your illness.

Click here to learn more


Step 2: Assessment Review & Personalized Program


So now you have the report and recommendations. Can a personalized program be developed for you? Absolutely!!!

In this step we gather more information on your health history, lifestyle habits, eating pattern, dietary intake and perform an assessment relative to your specific history and patterns. With the assessment from step 1 and this additional information, we will contact you to discuss a program of recommendations to be followed.

Click here to learn more


Step 3: One on One Support

neoteric-follow-up“Ok…. Great stuff. So now I have all this information and recommendations. What if I have questions? Its so difficult. I can’t do this alone?”

Don’t worry, we are here to help you on the road to recovery. We know that it takes 21 days working at a new practice before your brain sets the routine as a habit. So guess what! We will work with you one on one, not for 3 weeks, but for up to  six (6), yes, six (6) weeks.

Click here to learn more



One More Thing … How is your Faith?

4.  Faith & Health 


Tested tried and proven that one’s faith and belief in God can positively affect your health, ease stress, reduce pain, strengthen one’s will to succeed and improve overall well being.

Do you need prayer?
Would you like us to put you on our prayer list?
Would you like to request an on-line Bible Study?
We can provide you with options. Contact us today!

Thanks: The graphic above depicting the link between Faith and Health is used with the kind permission of the Faith and Health Connection ministry.