
Natural as it is, it can be challenging. Are there natural ways to manage through this difficult period? As we grow older, life changes are inevitable and to be aware of them and increase our understanding means, we will have the advantage of being better prepared to cope with them. The necessary steps which are essential for dealing with these changes can be taken in order for women and their partners to overcome any hurdles and go through the steps more knowledgeable.   Menopause is a normal condition that all women experience as they age. The term can describe any of the changes a woman goes through either just before or […]

Diets – So Many & So Different. What you need to know

The best diet is one that supplies our daily lifestyle requirements while supporting a healthy weight AND we can maintain it for the rest of our life. It seems like every month we hear about a new diet book released, a new scientific breakthrough or a new Guru expounding his theory on weight control and dieting  to manage health and disease. WebMD provides us with a list of 107 diets, yes 107. How many of these have been successful. I can guess that the majority have noted successes at diet or disease management because in most if not all cases, people who resort to dieting, for any reason are more […]

Breakfast – Don’t leave home without it

  Eating a nutritious breakfast is a great way to jump-start the day, yet a tasty breakfast might not be finding its way onto your kitchen table. Rushed morning routines, trying to lose weight, and lack of appetite early in the morning are all reasons people skip breakfast. Nevertheless, mounting evidence supports the idea that breakfast may indeed be the most important meal of the day. Breakfast Benefits Studies examining eating habits suggest that the regular consumption of breakfast can: Reduce risk of obesity and high cholesterol Decrease insulin resistance (a condition that increases risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease) Improve performance on memory-related tasks Minimize impulsive snacking […]